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We All Have A Mission

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

I know it has been awhile since my last post, but I will only post something when the Spirit leads. In addition, I have been very busy preparing for the next chapter in my life. I will try and keep this brief. I retired yesterday after serving in the military for 7 years and then as an FBI Special Agent for over 20 years. It is funny but I never thought that my skills and training could be used by God on the mission field, but as usual I was dead wrong. My wife and I will be departing in August for Papua New Guinea with the mission organization, Ethnos 360. We will be serving in a support role to our missionaries, who are taking the Gospel of Jesus to the over 4000 tribes on the island, which leads me to my post for today.

As born again believers in Christ, we are all a part of the Church body and each one is vital to the mission (Romans 12:5-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-25). My point being, you may not be a pastor, or a missionary on the front lines proclaiming the Gospel on a daily or weekly basis, but that does not mean you are not just as vital to the Great Commission (Mathew 28:19-20) . You may be an Aaron or Hur holding up the arms of Moses during the battle (Exodus17:12). Bottom line, you must heed the call of God willingly and respond as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6:8:

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!

But first and foremost before He can use you, you must become a part of the family. That my friends is as simple as following the response Paul and Silas gave to the Roman Centurion when He asked,

"What must I do to be saved?" They replied, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" —Acts 16:31




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