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Most of us know about God, but that is quite different from knowing God. —Billy Graham

God put eternity in all of our hearts. We were created in order to be in close, intimate spiritual fellowship and communion with Him. However, there is something that separates us from God, and that problem is sin. We've all sinned! The Bible says in Romans 6.23 that "the wages (penalty) of sin is death." That's right, death...spiritual death, eternal separation from Him in a place called Hell. Romans 3.23 says that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Sin separates us from God. It breaks the fellowship He designed us to have with Him. You may say you're a good person, but, Romans 3:10 also says that there's no one righteous, no not one. That means there's nothing you or myself can do about it. Nothing!


Here's the, great news! The second part of that verse in Romans 6.23 says "but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." God loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that we wouldn't have to be separated from Him. He died so that we wouldn't have to. What an amazing show of love and sacrifice. I can't think of a better picture of love than that. He gave His life willingly for us, so that if we want, we can be forgiven of our sins and spend eternity alongside Him in a place called Heaven!

Jesus loves you so much. He is ready to forgive you and restore you if you'll just ask. The gift of salvation in Christ Jesus is free...that's right, free! It didn't cost us anything, but, it cost Him His life. If you would like to know Him and enter into a right relationship with Him it's as simple as ABC.

Admit that you're a sinner and that you've sinned against a holy and just God. (RM3.23 + 6.23)

Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. (RM10.9.10)

Confess Him as Lord and Call upon His name to be saved. (RM10.13)

You can say this simple prayer:

"Lord, I admit that I am sinner and that I've sinned against you. I pray that you would forgive me and that you would restore me! I believe and confess that you are Lord and that you rose from dead and are alive. Come into my life, I give it to you. I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!"

If you prayed that prayer, I want you to know that you are now a child of God! Get a bible, read it everyday and pray (that means to talk) with God continually throughout the day. Find a good bible believing, bible teaching church that you can get plugged into.

Let us know of your decision here so that we can pray for you in your new life and new beginning with the Lord! Welcome to the family of God!

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